Date men from United States / California / Sausalito, 47 year old

Date someone special from Sausalito, United States. Well, I could be considered a well balanced, outgoing, fun, confident, in great shape mentally as well as physically, sometimes very silly, yet completely normal guy living in Sausalito who is searching for that someone "special".
But enough about me! So what do you think about me?? I kid, I kid! Ok, for one serious moment, here is a list of random thoughts about who you might be and what I'm looking for. Here goes, ready? Ok.
You: Laughs at my jokes.
Me: Makes you laugh.
You: Thinks my dog is cute, even when he wets his muzzle in the water dish and bee-lines for his groin.
Me: Doesn't try to boss you (or your kids) around.
Me: Gets it when you cry for no particular reason from time to time.
Me: Knows "Do these jeans make my butt look big?" is a trick question.
Me: Talks to your eyes, not your boobs.
Me: Would never suggest you should exercise more.
Me: Responds with "You color your hair?" every time you say you're going to have it colored. Every time.
You: Never listens to Rush Limbaugh. Ever.
Me: Listens to Howard Stern, but knows not to quote him.
Me: Makes you feel loved, but not owned.
Me You: Baby talks to the dog when no one is home (the dog confirms it).
Me: Understands plumbing, both your own and the sink's.
Me: Assumes he is meeting your plane at the airport every time you take a long trip.
Me: Always drives, always pays and never brings up doing either.
Me: Wants to show you places that I think you'll love and more than half of them aren't sports stadiums.
You: Would rather hang out with me more than your girlfriends once or twice a month.
You: Knows that real men volunteer.
You: Isn't a bystander in life.