Date men and women from United States / Colorado / Durango, 56 year old

Date a man from United States. I'm very happy and ready to share this next phase of my life with someone special. My friends would describe me as being active, thoughtful, honest and faithful with a good sense of humor. I enjoy the outdoors. Most weekends you will find me cycling (road and mountain) or hiking in the summer and snow shoeing or skiing in the winter. I'm blessed with wonderful friends and enjoy going out for diinner or getting together for a night of board games.
I'm looking for someone who lives a healthy life style, is active and enjoys outdoor activities. Someone who is honest and caring with a sense of humor. Let's initially develop a friendship and then see if it will blossom into a relationship that will last a life time.

Meet single man from United States. I moved from Iowa to Seattle in 1988. 5 years later I was divorced and raised my kids completely by myself, my daughter was 8 and my son was 15. Both turned out to be very good people and Im very proud of both of them. She is 25 now and still lives in Seattle and my son is back in Iowa and raises 4 kids, 2 of which are my grand kids. After 20 years in the city and dealing with to much traffic I had to get out. My daughter and I had taken several trips to Southeast Utah and I loved the beauty there. After some searching I found Durango and decided this is where I wanted to be. This area has so much access to such incredible scenery and the town was just the right size. I have been here 5 years now and love it. I keep a very clean home and am very organized. I feel I am a very good cook and would like to prepare many meals for you, with you by my side.
I have always grown tomato's in the past but haven since moving to Durango. This year I wanted to try and grow Campari Tomato's but you cant buy the seeds anywhere, not even online. So I bought some Campari tomato's at the local market and dried my own seeds. They took off like crazy. I have no garden and fearing the animals would feast on them I built a greenhouse out of materials I had stored around the shop. I dug out 2 trenches of clay and replaced it with good dirt. I now have about 50 plants that are doing very well. I hope you like tomato's.
I recently designed and built a new style of picnic table. As i was leaving my drive one day I looked over at an ole beat up picnic table and thought "I should build a table at bar stool height". I had a design for the leg assembly that hit me so I stopped and put it to paper. About 6 months later during a slow time in winter I pulled it out and went to work on it. As it developed The leg design reminded me of a railroad trestle and given the history of this area so became the origin of "Rocky Mountain Trestle Tables". Times have been tough and so the development has been slow. I am currently working on getting a web page up and hope to see this take off someday soon.
I am a happy and busy person who most always has a smile shining thru. I hope to find that in you! Finding someone who is happy and that I can trust without question is very important to me. I really enjoy giving and receiving a good massage. Exploring each others body in such a way can be a very sensual thing and brings two much closer together. Gary

Date someone special from United States. I really do believe each day here is just another day in paradise. I have a good sense of humor and enjoy laughing. I love the outdoors and hike almost daily with my dog Jack. I am a little introverted but once I get warmed up to someone I really enjoy a good conversation be it dining out or staying home.
My ideal match would be someone with a good sense of humor who is happy with herself. Someone to be best friends with and share our lives and common interests together as well as explore new ones. Yet someone who is independant and secure and could still enjoy seperate interests. Of course like everyone, I'm looking for someone who is kind, considerate, warm, and most importantly honest. I pride myself on my honesty and integrity.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am an honest,careing giving,big hearted,loyal ,sincere,passionate, hopeless romantic, life/fun loving person.I would hope to meet someone who has the same interests as myself,and her own life as well. To be able to share the same dream with someone who sees that we complement one another,and is aware of life ,and wants to live life to it's fullest would be a true dream.Someone whose compassion,respect,love and tolerance of others is a way of life.To be non-judgemental and give love unconditionaly are a big plus.Someone who realizes,if there is anything better than being loved,it is loving life.A good sense of humor is a big aphrodisac for me,and I hope it is for you too.I know you are out there somewhere!
I Love to bike and just turned 18,000 on my road bike!(in 8yrs) I love to ski also, so let's go! How about a sweet day'o pow pow and a soak in a hot springs?I'm not looking for someone to complete my world ,but rather for someone who realizes that the best relationships occur when two people come together and have a great sense of humor.She will have activities in her life that pique her intrest,goals she is striving toward attaining,and friends and family will be important to her as well.Looking for a nice girl and for someone to realize that there is but one happiness,to Love and be Loved ! ! "The heart purified by friendship provides an open door to unity." Let's share this ride of life together. : )- I'm a romantic and affectionate person at heart.I can't help but smile when I see two people holding hands and hope that I might find that some day.The lasting love of a lifetime! .Be honest and real and I will be as well. It's all about honesty,respect, and trust and that's a great start.No Drama Please.
I believe that manners count.That is a part of respect for anyone and how I was raised.A simple" please" and" thank you" goes a long way with me.Maybe old fashioned,but that is just me, and it seems that common courtesy has been forgotten..I would hope that you love to exercise, and realize that it is also a part of a happy/healthy lifestyle.It's not always easy ,but worth all the effort.If any of this strikes a chord with you, give me a shout.I will reply.I don't bite
"Yesterday is history,tomarrow a mystery and today a blessing"I believe in give and take in a relationship.Be flexiable and agree to disagree(if we have to)Argueing is a waste of our time and life is too short! Your idea of "perfect" and my idea of "perfect"may not be "perfect",so accept our differences and imbrace what we have together .If you don't ask the answer is always no. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. I would like to leave something to your imagination.Peace!

Date people from United States. I am a Man who finds an adventure in everything I do. I am always on the look out for new things to learn and am proud of the things I have learned to do well. I am also sensitive. If I were not I don't think I would be an accomplished musician and artist. That sensativity allows me to communicate better with a partner and have insight toward the needs of others. The other "Hat" I have to put on at work is one of athority and responsibilty. I can make a serious decission very quickly if needed. Don't get me wrong, I would rather always take some time and think all things through.
I am looking for a Partner who is my best friend. A girl who is as happy pursuing her interests as she is sharing each others.
She is content spending time at home on the ranch but on a whim would love to run into town for coffee, a meal or a great night out on the town. She would like to travel to far off lands an vacation and be more interested in local people and cultures than "Club Med"
I like living a bit more rural. I currently live 12 miles from a city of approx. 60,000 people and most of the amenities. I would hope She would prefer a home in the country also.
Yes, physical chemistry is somewhat of a must but I realize that some of that appears quickly and some comes with familiarity.
She likes to laugh and kid around. Help me cook up a great meal and pick out the right bottle of wine.
A lady who can put on a pair of work gloves and help bring in some fire wood, or put on something soft and comfy and curl up by the fire with me. Some one lookin' for adventure and a song in Her heart.

Meet men and women from United States. I am currently working in Williamsport, PA while commuting from Durango, CO. I will be moving out to the area after the first of the year with a Management / Engineering position in the oil & gas industry.
I never thought that I would leave Durango, CO, but once the opportunity came up, I could not believe how beautiful the area was. I will love to travel and sight see in the immediate area. There are so many beautiful old barns to be photographed, romantic getaways to be taken advantage of, Sunday drives and romantic weekends to dream about. I can't wait to get to Williamsport, PA as soon as possible.
I know that I will find my true love again, and I will be married for the rest of my life. I will know within a couple of dates whether or not the opportunity will last for an eternity. I believe in love at first sight. Unfortunately, I'm a non-smoker and require the same. Although I'm a little overweight, I would prefer to meet women that are not much overweight. Smoking is a definite deal breaker for me
I'm 55 years old, but feel and act like I'm in my early 40's. I've gotten salt and pepper hair (grey) very early, but at least I've got hair and always will. I believe myself to carry my weight very well, although most people would consider me somewhat overweight.
I love to travel and have been able to live in London, England and Aberdeen, Scotland. In addition, I've spent many consulting assignments in Mexico, Australia and Colombia, South America. I recently finished a six month assignment in Brisbane, Australia that allowed me to travel twice to Thailand. I could not imagine an Asian country being that awesome. I would love to travel to China during the next few years. I love to travel and see new sights. There are so many sights left to see that I'm not sure how I will complete my bucket list.
I'm very romantic and require the same. I believe that a true love begins in the morning and progresses all day with little text messanges, flowers, surprises and the ultimate finally later in the evening in front of a fire place with a bottle of wine. I love to sit by the fireplace and snuggle, read books, just talk, hold hands, kiss and make love. I love to talk and discuss life's many trials and tribulations with my partner. I love to work hard and play even harder. Life is too short to mope around and be sad.

Date a man from Durango, United States. I am a serious man but I don't take myself too seriously. I am looking for engaging women who leads a considered life. Romance is very important but very scarce in this life. I would like to have at least two lifetimes but alas I am doing the very best I can with one to do the things I want to do.

Meet single man from Durango, United States. looking for love in all the wrong places - decided to try this instead. looking for someone fun/silly with an adventurous spirit. must love horses and the great outdoors. able to leap tall buildings in a single bound a plus.