Date men from United States / Arkansas / Van Buren, 51 year old

Date a man from Van Buren, United States. Im a father of 2 great boys. they live with me 2 weeks at a time and we do a lot of things togeather. Im looking for someone to share my time with. friends at first and then who knows. We can sit at home and watch a good movie or go out and have a great time what ever we do. I have a great job, have my own house.

Meet a soulmate from Van Buren, United States. Well, I m just a down to earth country guy who likes to enjoy life. I like traveling, going out, catching a movie or just hanging out. Would like to find a girl who has kind of the same thoughts, doesn't mind getting dirty, and is ready to take off at the spur of the moment for a weekend getaway. I am a jeans and boots type of guy, and can put on a tie and sportcoat with them and fit in anywhere. Not into fancy stuff, but, will if i need to.

Date single man from Van Buren, United States. I am a very caring person.I like love to help people in need when i can.I love being around loved ones and friends. love to set and talk,walk,or do most anything where people can be close,share good times and love each other.