Date women from United States / California / Santa Cruz, 87 year old

Date someone special from Santa Cruz, United States. Sound mind, warm heart, livley spirit, expressive soul, reasonably good body for my age except for a hip awaiting replacement.
Born in New Bedford, MA, grew up in Ohio. have lived in MA, CT, CA, and Ontario, Canada.
Married twice, both husbands now deceased. Returned to school at 42 for grad degree in Education, on faculty of community colleges in Canada and California, taught last evening class at age 79 (tired of grading papers).
Crisis of spirit at age 31, subsequently left the church, feeling better ever since.
Came from an economically conservative Republican family, mother called me crazy when I registered as a Democratic, currently consider the behavior of extreme right-wingers as often disgraceful or worse.
I'm looking for soneone who shares my values and is his own person, is intelligent and compassionate. and feels some responsibility for contributing to the betterment of our planet.