Date men from United States / Arkansas / Springdale, 30 year old

Date a man from Springdale, United States. HI THERE!!! Well don't have alot but here goes. I have two boys they are three and four they are my little buddies I love them so much. I never thought for once in my life I would ever be date n again but I guess it happens to the best of us too. Now I'm thirty years old. I have great boys that love me and a great job. Im mean heck what else could a guy need right!!! Well kind of but no I would like to have that great realationship but a lot has change in the dating world it looks like to me. Well anyway I love to be outdoors and hunt,fish and go to the lake. I'm pretty handy around just about everything if I don't know how to fix it I will learn. I am looking to find a great woman to have alot of fun with and treat her like I want to be treated because life is to short not to have fun or have someone to care for and jump threw these wonderful days of live with out someone special. I'm very driven and strive for the best and I don't settle for anything less. I cook very well. I like to keep a nice house and I am not afraid of a few dishes or laundry. I geuss what I'm say n is I don't need a girl to take care of me. If you would like to know more email me. And I will send you a pic!!!

Meet someone special from Springdale, United States. Well where do I start? Start off little about me I was born and raised right here in Sprindale. I have a wonderful family that I love to spend time with. I have 2 kids a 8 year old boy and a 10 month old baby girl. They are my life I spend as much time with them as I can cause they dont live with me full time. They are my life when I have them we do everything togather. I m a christen and yes I have not be perfect in everything I do but no one perfect right. I attend church as much as I can but my work gets in the way sometimes but I still try my best. I love the outdoors going camping, hunting,fishing,4-wheeler riding anything outdoors. I love sports fall kinds besides tennis and golf not much into them. Im shy at first thats why Im looking on here cause Im to shy to just walk up to a lady and start talking to them. But once I get to know you then I will warm up and be out going and just say what I thank. Im not much into the bar scaan not saying I wouldn't go but I would rather spend time and money on a personal date like a dinner and movie. I m true Arkansas boy so I love them Hogs WPS!!!! I enjoy going to races from dirttrack to dragstrip pretty much anything thats motorsports I like. I have a job and looking at going back to school again. I want to advance my career at Law Enforcement I love that I hate that drugs are taking over all this kids. I love kids I would do anything to help a kid out some of the stuff I have seen can just tere your heart out. Im not the best looking person put I have a heart big enough to make up for it. I was married for 4 years. I was hurt in my marriage break up. Ya I know lot of mean dont admit to being hurt but I will. So that being said Im cautioned on getting hurt again but ha cant go though life saying what if.I dont go by looks so much as whats on the inside and how you treat people. Well I guess thats about it about me now lets talk about what Im looking for.
Im looking for someone that can like me for me. Over look that Im not the best looking person but I have a great heart and know how to treat a lady. Someone that loves kids cause I have my 2 and if you dont like kids then it would never work cause my kids are everything to me. It dont matter to me if you have kids cause I love kids. I wold like someone that has some of the same intrest as me so we could go do stuff togather. I can stay in and watch a movie or I can go out and have fun both are good ways. It would be nice if they was around the Northwest Arkansas area but thats not a stopper cause if we talk and there is something there I could travel. Someone that not going to cheat and me truthful. Would be nice if like the Hogs but thats not a deal breaker we can work on that. Im not looking to get married right away just looking to meet new people and see where it goes.Really Im not that picky just looking for a lady that can like me for me and be truthful and not cheat.I'm not a partier and don't smoke or drink so if you smoke and drink a lot then I don't thank you would be for me. Another thing is tats if you have tats all over your body money says your not for me one and two is ok but you have them all over your body I'm just not into that. I just know what I want and I'm not going to settle But if you would like to talk just hit me up. Oh and one more think if I send you a mess the least you could do is say hello back I mean if you see someone out and they say hi I would hope you would say hello back.

Date a soulmate from Springdale, United States. My email signature states "Life is enjoyed most when you're laughing. Laugh hard, laugh often, and think of me." I hope someone thinks to carve that on my tombstone, but more importantly, I really hope that when people think of me, they can think of a reason to smile. I really like making people smile and laugh. I'm a bit of a raconteur, a storyteller. I play the guitar, a bit. I like going out, but I'd really like to start staying in more, and having my friends over. It's more cost effective and intimate having a few drinks and a nice meal at the house, and I really like playing host. I really enjoy big groups of people, but am equally happy having a quiet evening in. I grew up on a farm, and I suppose my ultimate dream is to end up on one again, at the earliest possible moment. I have 2 kids who I'd love to give the same opportunities growing up that I had, but they live overseas with their mom, so I don't know how likely that is. I'm increasingly more passionate about the environment. Grocery store clerks hate me because I refuse to use plastic bags. I walk or cycle to as many of my destinations as is possible, but Arkansas is so dang stretched out. I drive possibly the most embarassing vehicle ever, but it gets more than 20 mpg.
As to you, I'd like to just say surprise me, as I'm pretty good at simply not having expectations, but I know that could go badly for both of us. I want to live on a farm. If possible, I want to make my living from said farm. If that's not your style, no harm, but then neither am I. I grew up in church, but that's about as committed to that statement as I can get. I'll happily support your spiritual development, but I won't try to sway you one way or the other, and hope you'll do me the same. I'd love it if you were big into cooking and having folks over and spending time with my/your/our friends. You don't have to have a gym membership (I don't) but it'd be great if you were at least not hateful towards the notion of jogging or cycling. I like to live pretty simply. 'Conspicuous consumption' is my c-word. If you've got to have a new car every 2 or 3 years and want to live in a McMansion, we're not going to get along. If you like to argue recreationally, be it Kierkegaard or ice cream brand preference (Ben and Jerry's, really, is probably my favorite, though I prefer to make my own. I'm starting a collection of antique ice cream makers, actually.) (For 'collection' read 'I own one')
SO, If you're still with me, you're either intrigued, or as bored as I am. In either case, you might as well drop me a line. You've come this far, as it is.

Meet single man from Springdale, United States. When im not working, I like to watch movies or tv and play video games, or clean up the house or car. I would like someone thats not afraid to get out but also likes to snuggle up to a movie Hopefully thats you.