Date men from United States / Arkansas / Elizabeth, 49 year old

Date someone special from Elizabeth, United States. I am a quiet, professional person that still enjoys letting loose and being goofy once in a while. I like to be around people who are easy to talk to and like to laugh, yet still have the depth and wisdom to connect on a more profound level.
My friends would describe me as intelligent, loyal, non-judgmental and always ready to lend a hand or an ear. I have been described as sensitive, kind, thoughtful and insightful - even by people other than my mother. I believe in complete honesty in all aspects of my life, and expect the same from people I am around...even if it hurts once in a while.
I love hiking and the outdoors - climbing 14'ers, canyoneering, rafting, backpacking, or just contemplating millions of stars. I also like seeing live music in any venue. Red Rocks at least once a year is a must, although some of my favorite shows have been in smaller venues and dives. Going to Telluride Bluegrass Festival, then a week camping and hiking in the San Juans is my idea of a perfect vacation.
I manage to travel outside of the country every three years or so, whenever the stars align. I like to stay off of the beaten path, and have had some of my most memorable life experiences when I have pushed my comfort zone.
I have been surrounded by strong, independent women for my entire life and have a hard time relating to those who are not. Yet a kind heart and a soft side are very attractive to me. I am the type of person who is fairly cautious and slow when it comes to relationships, so this on-line thing feels a little strange to me. But what the hey - I am always up for a new experience and I look forward to meeting you!