Date men from United States / Arizona / Scottsdale, 26 year old

Date someone special from United States. I haven't had much luck since most women don't wake up hoping to meet a short, nerdy, Filipino Engineer lol.
However, I feel very optimistic this time!
I like to problem solve and be well rounded in everything. I enjoy challenging myself and find satisfaction when I progress in activities I was once horrible at. My hobbies constantly evolve. Currently, I'm training for a triathlon. I also enjoy other sports like; tennis, billiards and basketball, playing & listening to music, photography, reading novels, poker, and much more.
I come off as shy to new people. As soon as I'm comfortable however, I can be quite talkative. I have three amazing sisters, so it's safe to say I understand women rather well. I'm very laid back and enjoy a good laugh.
I don't exactly have a "type". As long as you're open-minded, considerate, and have playful sense of humor then I'm interested :)

Meet single boy from United States. I am one of those boring nice guys who loves life and loves his family. I am constantly trying to put the notion to rest that "nice guys finish last". Well you know what?? I believe in a much greater power than all of us. I believe God has placed us all on this earth with great purpose and it is our job to follow through. There is so much more to life than our own selfish ambitions. I must admit that I am a hopeless romantic to the point that I know the girl of my dreams is out there somewhere. I always do my best to find the good in everyone. I treat everyone I come across with respect and expect the same decency and respect in return. If you are looking for the bad boy type, a guy who only thinks of himself, parties like a rockstar every weekend and treats women like garbage then I am not the guy for you.. nor do I want to be so you should probably stop reading now.
I am one of those rare guys who has found that balance between witty, sarcastic and corny jokes. I am extremely honest (almost always to a fault). I have no problem speaking my mind and telling the truth. It is just a part of who I am. But who really enjoys being lied to right??? I find it way too difficult to take life too seriously. Life is too short for that. I am also caring. I care so much about others and their well-being.
I love sports and enjoy the outdoors. I like taking my puppy Tika for walks. My family and friends mean the world to me. As I already kind of mentioned, my faith is also a huge part of my life. I am hoping to share that aspect of my life with my future partner.
At this point in my life I am very career oriented. I am a college graduate and although I love my job, the 50-60 hour work weeks are starting to put a cramp in my social life. So I am hoping by being on this site that I might find a girl to break me out of that shell. Someone who I can have fun with and grow with would be greatly appreciated. Not to mention I wouldn't mind being able to spoil her from time to time. I am originally from Michigan and have been out here for about a year now. Finally starting to feel more comfortable here.
So if any of this sounds appealing to you I would love to hear from you. And if not well that is your loss.. haha just kidding. But seriously your loss because you are missing out on a great guy.

Date a guy from United States. I am a busy guy with a few key obligations. I would like to meet someone who also has a purpose in life and appreciates responsibility. I enjoy happy hour and going out to dinner. I want someone to just enjoy life and take it slow with me.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a financial advisor and love my job. I do work quite a bit and I love to have a good time as well, work hard play hard. I am very motivated, driven and loyal to those close to me.
My idea of a good time is great food, glass of wine and a movie. I enjoy sports and love watching my Ravens during football season. I enjoy going to the local places to watch the games or staying home, cooking and having friends over to watch the games. I enjoy reading a good book and spending time by the pool on occassion.

Date a boy from United States. Hi, my name is Lance. I'm recently single. I'm looking for someone who is motivated and doesn't need their partner in order to have a life. I want someone independent, but also who is comfortable being in a relationship and is emotionally available.
I'm originally from North Dakota and moved here for school. After graduating I lived all over the east coast and south east for work before moving back to Arizona. I work as a financial advisor in Scottsdale. In my free time I like to do anything active, especially mountain climbing and golfing. I also like to read, cook and watch movies.
I tried this once before, but haven't decided if I'm going to sign up sorry I can't respond to messages yet.

Meet someone special from Scottsdale, United States. Im looking for someone to spend quality time with and share good times and alot of laughter with. I dont know what to really put on here but if theres anything you would like to know feel free to ask. Would like to meet someone I can hangout with weather thats to the movies dinner or to go out and grab a couple drinks with. Im up for anything.

Date single boy from Scottsdale, United States. I am very motivated in life and happy with what I do. I am looking for someone who likes to go out and have a good time, but also likes to just relax and hang out, moderation is everything.
I am originally from Chicago and grew up there for almost 18 years before I came to Arizona to go to college at ASU. After being here in Arizona for 5 wonderful years of college how could I ever go back. The weather is perfect here and it’s really a great time!
I am the youngest of a close family. I grew up with two older sisters, so I guess you could say I know how to treat a women….
The reason I decided to try match is because I guess I’m sick of the bar thing and trying to base anything off of that. I would describe myself as a gentleman and as I stated before I know how to treat a lady. Going out is fun, but as I said in moderation and I am getting to old to go out every weekend, plus hangovers only get worse as I age, lol.
I would say my ideal date night would be to go drink some wine and have dinner somewhere nice and then just hang out!
Well.........Enough about me, I didn’t sign up for this to write a bio about myself. If there is anything else you would like to know about me all you have to do is ask.
If ya made it this far message me. Dont be shy......

Meet a guy from Scottsdale, United States. "1001... 1002... 1003... Oh, hello. I wasn't expecting company. Just doing my workout. Tuesday's arms and back... Oh, I can barely lift my right arm 'cause I did so many. I don't know if you heard me counting, I did over a thousand..." -Ron Burgundy, in his desperate, yet hilarious attempt to dazzle Ms. Veronica Corningstone...
Born and raised in a smaller town in Northern Michigan, relatively new to Arizona. Went to college and earned myself a bachelors degree back in the Mitten (the name we sometimes use when referring to Michigan). Decided it was time for a big move, so I came to AZ. Started out in Flagstaff but have just relocated to Scottsdale for work.
But enough about me... Tell me a little bit about yourself...

Date a soulmate from Scottsdale, United States. A little about me: I grew up and went to school in Oregon. I got my degree in Sports Business and a minor in economics. I spent the first few years after school working in Pro Sports, which was a blast! I moved down to AZ for my current job about a year and a half ago. The move was half for the job and half to experience living in another part of the country.
I really enjoy meeting new people and get along with everyone. I definitely value having deeper relationships with people as opposed to being acquaintances. I'll try almost anything once and try to say "yes" whenever possible. When it comes to old-fashion values, they seem to be disappearing fast. So, I am very grateful for the way my parents raised me. "If you treat a women like a Queen, she'll treat you like a King." I think there is a lot of truth in that quote. I love my family and try to get back to Oregon whenever I can to see them.
I work in the travel industry so naturally I love to travel and experience new places. I am currently up to about 11 countries visited and anxious to add more to that list. My favorite places so far have both been along the Mediterranean; Barcelona and southern France. I also have quite an extensive Bucket List to check items off of. Beyond traveling my greatest passion is sports. I follow all sports but, especially college football (Oregon Ducks). Growing up in a small college town, Saturdays are unquestionably the most important day of the week.
When it comes to my better half, what I am looking for? She should be fun and ambitious. Enjoy being active and able to have a good laugh(even at herself sometimes) to name a few. I could continue to list characteristics (the list is pretty long haha), but I believe in the intangible chemistry between two people. So, when it's right you'll know!
If there is anything you want to know, don't be shy, just ask!

Meet a boy from Scottsdale, United States. Smart, funny, honest, attractive guy looking for someone special. I'm dedicated to my family and friends. I love meeting new people. I've been fortunate enough to have a good life so far. I have a great job in the world of accounting (we are not all introverts).
I really care about others and really enjoy giving back to the community. I run a program at ASU that brings minority high school students onto campus for a week in hopes of getting them into a field of accounting, finance and business, which historically is under represented by minorities.
I try to stay active and live life to the fullest. I enjoy doing many different things in my spare time, as long as it's not anything too crazy (i.e. bunjee jumping, sky diving), but there's no telling what the future will hold.
Looking for a great addition to my life so we can help each other continue to grow on our adventures. Someone who likes the same things, cares about family, likes to stay active, is honest, intelligent and has some goals in life.
I'm a very open and honest person so if you have any questions please feel free to ask away and I will respond.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Hey, my name is James. To describe myself in a slightly biased list, I'm a hard working, clever, loyal, positive, and fun loving guy with an easy going personality. I'm up for a good time whenever possible, because what's life if it isn't fun. But I also know how to work hard to achieve my goals. I will admit I'm a bit of a nerd I like electronics, and the Internet. Besides the closet geek stuff I'm into random things such as brewing my own beer, mountain biking, and archery. I like to try new hobbies whenever I can, you never know what you might be missing. I like to think of myself as mechanically inclined, I enjoy trying to fix things or solve a problem. I say "try to fix" because it doesn't always work. What I truly enjoy about it is the process of taking something apart to understand how it functions. I love to be outside doing things like going to the lake or the river, or the standards like hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping. I really want to travel more, I don't have a specific destination in mind just outside of the U.S. to see something new. I like to be be active and try new things, but I also enjoy being lazy from time to time. I'm not a huge partier anymore, but I know how to have a good time. Currently I'm working on a B.S. in political science at ASU and working full time, so I'm usually pretty busy. That's why I decided to give match a shot. I'm looking for someone who is easy going and fun to around. But is also intellegent, confident and knows what she wants, while being fun loving and open minded. There is nothing better than a woman that can make me laugh, and be someone I can talk to for hours. My idea of a great date would be good food, and something fun. Maybe a concert or getting a drink somewhere on mill, or dinner at a nice spot in old town. If you have a second send me a message to say hi, or even just a wink.

Meet single boy from Arizona, United States. I am a real genuine sweet guy. I think my mom did a great job :-) I belong to the oldest philanthropic organization in the Valley, we host couple large event a year and hold monthly hands on event to support underprivileged children. We are fortunate for what we have and should always give back.
I am on here because I enjoy companionship with a great person. Love joking around, playing, laughing and having great conversation with someone wonderful. If i go out I usually meet many people and have met many females but do not feel like I have meet the right match. Personality and strong characteristic traits are very important to me. I would like to meet someone mature, goal oriented and has values. Someone that has more to life than going out on the weekends, someone that does not drink to get drunk and someone that loves to smile.
I am on here to meet people and see what happens. If we do not venture outside the norm, how can we expect anything to change or opportunities to present themselves. There is a possibility that someone great is on here and we would get along wonderful so might as well take the risk, worst case make another friend :-)
I put class as one of my top characteristics in myself and the individual I talk too. I try to learn on a daily basis and am always up for suggestions or constructive criticism, life is about always bettering yourself and being someone you can be proud of.
I have hold my bachelors in finance and masters in real estate development. I work on land investment projects and capital placement with private equity/hedge funds. would love to meet someone that enjoys what they do, no matter what it is, and has a passion for mastering their field.
Looking forward to getting to know each