Date women from United States / Arizona / Overgaard, 42 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hi there. What am I doing here? Good question. Well, I like browsing shoes. the news, galleries, books, neighborhoods (not yours...not yet), I like browsing travel magazines & antique why not this?
OK, I promise I take it a little more seriously than that, but, not desperately so. And that's a good thing I think. In other words, I enjoy alone time, happy to spend a day out hiking or going camping or just reading a good book. It would be nice to find someone that doesn't "need" to find someone to make them happy, but would like to find someone to share their happiness (and mine) with.
Someone to share things in common & introduce new things. And to find new things together. That's fun.
Its true that having things in common is an easy fit.
Its false that opposites attract. But there is a huge middle ground.
For example, it's boring when someone is so like yourself in activities, hobbies, beliefs, that its like dating yourself
On the other hand when someone is so very different in beliefs, interests, temperament, etc. that it becomes a struggle to get to know or understand each other, or introduce them to your life without one trying to change the other.
So I guess its the balance of known and unknown, similarities and differences that would be key to creating a relationship that is comfortable and exciting, no?
I don't want to already know the punch line to your jokes, but don't tell me a joke in a foreign language that I don't know either. Lets hear a joke in a foreign language that we both want to learn (or at least learn the meaning to) and see if we laugh. Preferably in a foreign country that I haven't been to yet :)
I'm 44, not 42. The top info lies & won't let me in the age portion to edit it.