Date men from United States / Arizona / Gold Canyon, 52 year old

Date single man from Arizona, United States. To love, someone said, becomes more urgent as we grow older…
A need for companionship draws us together; the need for love binds us together. We are all in this together alone. Family and lifelong friends aside, ours is a lonesome life. Filled with activities and chores and some entertainment, life becomes a series of repetitious monotony.

Many tried marriage. Found it hollow and divorced. Fewer lived “till death do us part.” And, a fair number here in Arizona, like me, have never experienced the happiness of a mutually loving, fulfilling relationship with a relationship that promises to last foreever.
That’s all anyone here should be seeking. Nothing less. Days beginning with, “Good morning, my love,” and ending with, “I love you” is all we really can ask of our mate. More can come in between. But, first, there must be love. Nothing less and nothing more. Companionship breeds love. Shared experiences feed it. So, how do we find this elusive condition we all instinctively seek? Begin by getting over your last one. Then...
Start at the top. First things first. In the online dating scene, (not unlike the bar scene, right?), mutual physical attraction is paramount. Otherwise, we might as well be seeking dates with our cousins or our best friend’s sibling. Our profiles here depend on photos to say much about us. That said, take a look through my photos and you will see an honest guy with much to offer a lovely lady like you. And, if you still can’t figure me out, just ask, and I’ll share what I think I know about myself. If you don't think I am handsome, well, there's not much any of us can do about that, is there? I can live with that.
Second from the top. Personality. We all like to remind others of our positive qualities. Fact is, most of us willing to date a total stranger are fun, happy, polite, optimistic and love to laugh (who doesn’t enjoy laughter?). This is true of me, also. What makes us unique are our temperament (introverted vs. extroverted), disposition (tendency to act in a specific way) and attitude (positive or negative reaction to things, people, etc.) Only meeting in person will tell if you and I are compatible. Don’t judge me too hastily and I promise I will give you the benefit of the doubt always.
So what’s next? The reason we are searching for a mate, right? Well, for me it’s about finding a companion to look forward to seeing every day, to sharing meals with at home and in public (I need to cook more and eat out less often), to spend time with on a golf course, at a car show, baseball game or concert, or just walking together talking freely about this and that. What do you like to do with your free time? I would be happy to try out new interests. Do you like to travel? Who doesn’t? I have crisscrossed the country and have my favorite places including any of the naturally beautiful Rocky Mountain west. Where would you like to explore? Let’s talk about it over a beer, shall we?
And finally, why now for meeting our best friend and life companion? For me it has to do with knowing life is better, more enjoyable and just plain healthier when it is shared with a loved one. Loving and being loved by our mate is ultimately satisfying physically, mentally and spiritually. And that is what it’s all about for me. Can you honestly say the same? I hope we can meet, become friends, fall in love and live happily ever after. Yes, I do believe this is possible. We just have to put our minds and hearts to the task. For nothing worth having comes without effort in life.
And, if I am not your “type,” just be grateful, as I am, for every day of joy life brings our way as well as every new friend we meet.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. It's hard to describe. I'm interested in being with someone who is physically fit, takes care of themselves, and wants to have someone to talk to, to be with on those lonely nights, mornings, and holidays. Someone who is tired of going solo to activities, parties, adventures, etc... almost impossible to find! They hike with you, go on little road trips with you, share a glass of wine with you, and laugh with you or at you. As for me, I am becoming a risk taker, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Old fassion values, low keyed, take care of myself, and am very passionate! To me, life is about shareing, giving, choices, and takeing chances! I, am very independent. Life is more about shareing the adventure! Walk with me, talk with me, you'll find that there is a lot more than meets the eye.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I am a successful, decent and moral person. My friends would say I am loyal and committed. I am grateful for my children and have been blessed with a good career.
I tend to be happy go lucky and like a good laugh. I do like personal conversation. I enjoy being around other people but an active social life is not a necessity as I would prefer to spend more time with my partner.
I love to travel, dine out and try new things.
Trying to describe yourself on an online dating site is a challenge; Do I say too much or too little. Just ask me and I will tell you.
I have a BS degree and attended Louisiana State University and the University of New Orleans. I have been (slowly) working on a masters degree through Nothern Arizona University. I enjoy learning.