Date men from United States / Alaska / North Pole, 25 year old

Date someone special from Alaska, United States. Though I could start out with something like, “If there’s one thing you’re bound to notice about me, it’s definitely my smile, as I’m a very outgoing and friendly guy who never leaves home without it” (which is true), I know you’re probably tired of reading profile after profile that just goes on about chemistry and how great the person is. So, to change things up for you, I’m just going to be real.
Who am I? Well, I’m a very motivated, yet simple, man, who just wants to enjoy his time here on this earth. I’m extremely family-oriented. While my job means the world to me and really helps to define who I am right now, nothing will ever come before the people I love. I’m an open, honest, and incredibly caring guy, someone who’ll actually listen to what you have to say rather than just nod his head and wait for his turn to talk. I’m also very responsible, reliable, and hardworking, traits that, if anything, have only been enhanced over the last few years while I’ve been in the military. On a side note, by the way, if you’re not interested in dealing with the military way of life, I’m not the guy for you. Though I’m not planning on staying in my entire life, I’m currently really enjoying being able to move around the country so much and see the world. So if that’s okay with you, and you value a man who has and lives firmly by his morals, then we should definitely talk.
Now, as for the woman I’m looking for, I need someone who’s outgoing, active, and has a strong sense of adventure. She should be confident, intelligent, and know what she wants out of this life, but not be overly controlling or arrogant. Lastly, I only ask for someone who knows how to relax and just have fun. There’s nothing more attractive than a woman who knows she can make you laugh and will take each and every opportunity to do so.
So, shoot me a message if you think you’re the one for me. I’d love to hear what you have to say and see where the journey takes us.