Date men from United States / Alaska / Kenai, 29 year old

Date a soulmate from United States. Well, first of all, I'm intensely proud of my Irish heritage, and everything that entails.
But above everything else, the thing I value the most is HONESTY.
My friends would describe me as witty and funny, intelligent and nerdy. I can be completely random and make absolutely no sense at times. I'm filled with compassion and am helpful to those in need. I'm pleasant and peaceful to be around. I'm kind of prudish, but it keeps me out of trouble. I'm sexy and lovable. I'm honest and easy to talk to.
That is what they say.
I on the other hand think of myself as a complete space cadet, with dreams of grandeur and a spastic streak a mile wide.
I really enjoy music, nearly any type, and love to play the guitar and bass with other musicians whenever i can.
I am sort of anti-social sometimes with introvert tendencies at times, meaning i'm socially awkward, and have the occasional need to literally be left alone and not talk to anybody. Thankfully, that doesn't happen often.
Generally, i would say that i have a very good sense of humor, and I'm easily entertained.
I love watching movies, listening to music, reading books and playing games. I would call myself a gamer, and I have many gamer friends.
My passions fluctuate on a monthly basis, but science, food, beer/whiskey/drinks, music(esp.), science fiction books, and sketching drawings have all stuck with me over the years.
I haven't accomplished much per se, but the way i live my life is by my own choices alone. Good or bad.
I'm currently going to school to attain a degree of some sort, but, with my varying and constantly changing interests, I have not chosen a focus yet.
Sort of makes it hard to choose when I like so many things.
Something I AM particularly proud of is my attentiveness as a lover. I've never been one for one night stands and prefer spending a lot of time with just one partner, learning who they are and what makes them tick. My partner's satisfaction is really important to me, super-ceding my own at times.
But enough about me.
I'm looking for a smart, strong, independent woman, who can take the time to learn who someone is and fully be a partner in a relationship. Neither above the other, valuing each's opinion, but capable of being alone at times.
She needs to have some artistic ability or creativity, and not mind criticism or compliments alike.
She needs to be honest. This is absolutely key. Honest to the point of almost being brutal, but a little diplomacy couldn't hurt.
An interest in learning constantly, and understanding the change that being human brings on a day to day basis is a definite plus.
She's going to need a great deal of patience to deal with me and my spastic random nature.
A touch of stubbornness would be good for when i get pushy and retract from the world, to help her be persistent.
A sense of (life)direction that is up for revision when needed.
She doesn't have to be conventionally pretty. As long as she is healthy and relatively stable. Healthy is really important to me, and not like a fitness/health-food nut. Just someone who is conscious of themselves, really.
Lastly, she needs to be friendly and have a sense of humor that gives her the ability to laugh at herself and the rest of this silly world, even when things get her down.
Yeah, this is a pretty high set of standards, but, I'm of the belief that people shouldn't settle just for what they can get. We should all go for the gusto and be constantly striving to become better versions of ourselves.
Someone who fits my needs will compliment me in many ways, and potentially bring out even better traits in me.
There is also the belief that depth of character goes a long way, and constantly learning, then relearning who my partner is, is a good thing. Change is our only constant and embracing it with a partner is my greatest wish, and growing, learning, evolving, and loving in new previously undiscovered ways is important.