Date men from United States / Alabama / Wellington, 64 year old

Date a soulmate from United States. I retired from secondary school public education, and now own and work a small horse farm where I also grow some vegetables and fruit. I really enjoy growing food, have a healthy diet and lifestyle, and enjoy the convenience of having fresh food readily available.
I would simply enjoy spending quality time with a quality lady, viz., taking long walks in the autumn and spring seasons, holding hands, maybe running a 5 or 10k if that's a shared challenge, riding horses, exploring museums, restaurants, neat shops, interesting markets, and the list goes on and on, ad infinitum. Character and intelligence count big with me. I enjoy exploring new places, and learning new things. Reading is an integral part of my life, and I spend time each day, usually in the evening, enjoying a book. I appreciate good conversation and keeping up with current events. Cooking with a special lady has always been an enjoyable shared, experience and I would like to re-open this book. Grilling is great fun!
My horses are a source of pride and accomplishment for me. Of special note is an American Mustang I own, by the name of Lakota, who until two years ago was running wild on the plains of Wyoming. After a year of trial ownership, I received official title to him from the BLM. He is a work in progress as I train him.
Although I'm an Atlanta native, I've lived in a cabin in rural Alaska, and consider this one of my life's accomplishments. I've always enjoyed a good challenge! As a certified open water scuba diver, I enjoy the water. If you enjoy diving, that would be special , but not a dealbreaker for me.
Music is poetry that speaks to my soul! I am completely moved by it! I enjoy classical selections everyday, traditional western/cowboy music such as sung by Kevin McNiven, the music of John Denver, and of course, the great music of the 50's and 60's. Let's hear a shout for satellite radio!
One of my "bucket list" goals each winter is to spend a few days on a snow ski adventure somewhere.. It has been many moons since I was on a ski slope so I would have to reload. Having a ski partner is a must for this to come to pass! Are you game?
This year I have resolved to "work smarter, not harder"-a.k.a. expand my social horizons. I want to do more day trips, weekend jaunts, fishing, museum trips, and whatever else might resonate with me (us). A few months back, I made a weekend trip to see the play "To Kill A Mockingbird" in Monroeville, AL , the home of Nell Harper Lee. Each performance is always a sellout, and now I understand why. I enjoyed it so much! I can sincerely say my life was enriched by the experience. The historical and literary value were beyond measure. With that in mind, I would enjoy meeting a like minded, educated lady who enjoys horses, or is willing to learn about them and about riding, and has some appreciation for a rural lifestyle, but is savvy and appreciative of some of the finer things in life as well. I enjoy the wide expanse of stars that treat me most nights, hearing the owls call, and the coyotes sing. Hearing my horses nicker when I come to feed them is another joy. All music to my senses.
I respect and appreciate independence, education and a healthy, positve outlook on life-"this darn glass is half full!!" I offer the same! It would be great to meet someone special, enjoy each other's company, and see what evolves. At the very least a friendship might result. That too, would be special.